Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am Still Alive

Hey there!!

Yea! I jumped back to my previous blogger URL.
For a couple of months I was quite unsatisfied with how Word Press works. It in fact sucks!. And this was when I tuned back into blogger and found it more better. I wanted to import all my posts back in here but found out that you can 't do that from wordpress.
I was feeling really lazy to copy the entire posts for almost a year back here. And that dilemma kept me from posting for almost 3 months, I guess!. I finally just managed to paste back everything here though it means losing all my comments.

And now the posts are pasted but I still need some time to alter the template, the widgets, links and bla bla.

And yea, I am loving my new school and enjoying every nano-second of it. I am on my vacation now and school reopens tomorrow. We've been stuffed in with loads of assignments which I am not even half way through. I feel lazy to do anything but to just while away time.

Before I finish this post, please give me some time to do the technical- part.
And yea,
I am Still Alive

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